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Steve Reads His Favorite Stories

For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed all things audio: commercial radio, public radio, podcasts, old-time radio dramas, talking books, you name it. Hence this project, where I record some of my favorite stories. When appropriate, I'll write a few words about the story to explain why it made the grade. I hope you enjoy.

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An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

by Ambrose Bierce

I first came across this story some time in early elementary school. It was not a story I was assigned to read or an audio recording, but a short 8mm or 16mm film. It was impactful at the time and I never forgot it. It was the first time I recall experiencing such clear dramatic tension, release and surprise. In spite of its effect on me, I was well into adulthood before I actually read the story. I was not disappointed.